Why Web Links?

The WWW offers unlimited resources to meet your individual needs and interests. Should you wish to find out more about any element mentioned in your textbook, you can obtain additional multimedia information (text, maps, photos, sound clips, interactive games...) on the World Wide Web. But since it is easy to get lost in the Internet maze, we have listed some sites related to the themes and topics addressed in Rendez-vous. Just type the URL address of your choice (starting with http://) in the Go To box of your Web browser (some of the best are Alta Vista, Lycos, WebCrawler, Yahoo) to reach these sites. From there, simply follow the directions and click on the links (highlighted text) that you find interesting.

If you want to do some cyberspace exploration on your own, you may wish to choose from the key words we have listed for each chapter, in order to speed up your search. You should also be able to come up with additional key words of your own.

Sometimes things go so fast in Cyberspace that some websites disappear while new ones emerge. This is why we have also listed our own website: by visiting our site, you will obtain an update of all the web links listed here: what's hot, what's not, and what's no more. We encourage you to comment on these sites, on the textbook, and to make any suggestion you may have by using the e-mail addresses provided on our homepage. You can also visit us at the University of Ottawa web site, where we maintain a current directory of French sites. Finally, the Prentice Hall site will also link you up to updated web sites.

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[Last updated January 8, 1998]