Welcome to the Michael Davidson Early Hebrew Printing Homepage
Originally the goal of this page was to collect together the WWW sites illustrating early Hebrew printing and especially those sites with attractive images from these books. As I developed this page I included links to other sites peripheral to early printing such as maps, drawings, manuscripts, illuminations, charters, even postcards and historical photos such as might interest a student of early printing.
Enjoy what is here, the little page that grew. Drop me a note if you find that any of the pages listed have gone away or if you can suggest others that I should add.
Michael Davidson (mdavidson@pipsc.ca)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
By the way, I am a book collector with an interest in Hebraica and I have
in my library over
old rare Hebrew books. (Like dream on - I wish.) Last updated December 27, 2001.
The Jacob M. Lowy Collection of the National Library of Canada
The Jacob M. Lowy Collection consists of old and rare Hebraica and Judaica
comprising 3000 printed books from the 15th to the 20th century, including nearly 40
Hebrew and Latin incunables, over 120 editions of bibles in many languages and
numerous editions of the works of the first century historian Josephus. Very strong
in its holdings of Italian Hebraica, the Collection is also rich in examples
of Hebrew printing emanating from Spain to the Orient. The intellectual scope of the
Collection spans religious, scientific, historical and philological thought of
five centuries. A further 1000 volumes focusing on the origin, spread and collecting of
printed and manuscript Hebraica and Judaica form the monographic core of the Lowy
reference collection. Also available are numerous institutional and exhibition
catalogues, bibliographical journals and the classic Judaic encyclopedias.
The Saul Hayes Collection of 200 original manuscripts in Hebrew and other Jewish
languages is also located in the Jacob M. Lowy Room, along with microform
holdings of the manuscript collections of selected European institutions.
The older page for the Lowy Collection is still on-line.
The Jacob M. Lowy Collection of the National Library of Canada
Aussi disponsibe en français.
La Collection Jacob M. Lowy d'ouvrages hébraïques et judaïques rares et vieux
Jewish Theological Seminary Library Special Collections
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary
The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary is one of the world's premier research
libraries of Judaica and Hebraica. More than a thousand years of written history are
to be found within the library's three hundred seventy-five thousand volumes, eleven
thousand Hebrew manuscripts, thirty thousand rare books, forty thousand Genizah
fragments and thousands of rare documents and prints. The remarkable treasures
represent scholarship in the areas of Bible, liturgy, rabbinics, kabbala,
philosophy, philology and history.
The Special Collections are rich in primary sources for
research in Bible, rabbinics, Jewish philosophy, liturgy,
history, and medieval Hebrew literature.
The collection is particularly comprehensive in rabbinics
- the Talmud and cognate literature. Included in this division
are several thousand volumes of codes,
responsa and commentaries which contain considerable historical
information for students of the Middle Ages.
The Special Collections also include:
While you are there take a look at their Scripture and Schism. This exhibit on the Samaritans and the Karaites is highly recommended. See also JTS Library Exhibits Page or their exhibition Towards the Eternal Center: Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple or stop to study KRUZIM: Proclamations from the walls of Jerusalem
Sefer Kedushat Levi al HaTorah
Levi Isaac ben Meir, of Berdichev (1740-1809), Lemberg, 1864
A wonderful page with many fine and interesting antique Hebraica books
all with large pictures of their title pages from 18th, 19th and 20th Century to admire.
the on-line bookstore is operated by Ernesto Yattah who lives Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"Latin American Judaica at the reach of your hand"
InterJudaica also carries out-of-print
Spanish and Yiddish studies of Argentina and Latin American Jewish communities,
Latin American Jewish periodicals,
Jews in the Soviet Union,
Sefardica literature,
Zionism, Israel and the Middle East,
Holocaust and Nazism,
history, culture, religion and literature, Judaism and Christianity,
Out-of-print miscellanea,
Dictionaries. InterJudaica also has a selection of in-print Judaica titles in Spanish.
The Transformation of the "Aleph"
From Written to Printed Text: The Transmission of Jewish Tradition
From Written to Printed Text: The Transmission of Jewish Tradition
Center for Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania.
This serious and in depth discussion of Jewish printing includes
illustrated discussions of:
The Historical Geography of Jewish Printing,
The Fonts and Formats of Jewish Printing,
Jewish Liturgy: The Siddur and the Mahzor,
The Passover Haggadah,
The Word of God: The Hebrew Bible,
Law and Lore: Mishnah, Talmud and Halakha,
Print and the Preacher.
Kennicott Bible - La Coruna, Spain 1476
Facsimile Editions of London England
Facsimile Editions of London England.
Michael and Linda Falter formed Facsimile Editions in 1980, which
was to be dedicated to bringing out of obscurity some of the finest and
most important illuminated manuscripts in the world and reproducing
them to a standard hitherto unknown in the history of publishing. They
would strive to recreate not only the appearance of the originals but
also the overall aura of the manuscript. It took them more than five years
to produce their first facsimile, the Kennicott Bible. Their web pages for
each of the fantastic manuscripts listed below are richly illustrated with
beautiful illuminations and include scholarly notes.
The Alba Bible - 15th Century
In 1422 against a backdrop of intense anti-Jewish feeling in Spain, Don Luis de Guzmán,
Grand Master of Calatrava, arrived at a decision that only by commissioning a Castilian Bible,
translated directly from the Hebrew, accompanied by a commentary reflecting the Jewish understanding of the texts,
would Christians comprehend differences between Christian and Jewish attitudes, and come to tolerate each other's views.
A facsimile publication from Finn's Fine Books.
Ancient Near Eastern Resources
at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Philology projects, for example, include reports on
Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary,
Dead Sea Scrolls Project, Demotic Dictionary, Epigraphic Survey,
Hittite Dictionary, and a Sumerian Lexicon.
Moreh Nevukhim by Maimonides
This beautifully manuscript has a page showing dozens of images of its illustrations.
The strict interpretation of the Old Testament prohibition against graven images
precluded the use of illustration in many Hebrew and Islamic religious texts, but
commentaries, secular and mystical texts were often illustrated with decorative
and not representational pictures or diagrams as is this manuscript.
We especially notice
folio 133a. a full historiated page of this book with an interlaced pattern
such is found in some Turkish and Islamic designs. From
Hebrew books and manuscripts in the Leiden University Library
Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer Electronic Text Editing Project
The complete digitization of three copies of this book. The first
edition of 1514 Constantinople, and two manuscripts. Perhaps 300
large scans showing each page of each item. From the Hebrew Union
College, Klau Library.
Dalsheimer Rare Book Exhibit
showing treasures
from the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion including
Jewish Music, Haggadah, Sixteenth Century Hebrew Printing, Bookplates,
Manuscripts, Stamps, Bindings, Jewish Americana, Broadsides, Maps,
and the Jews of Kaifeng.
The Alba Bible
was created near the end of the manuscript era in fifteenth century Spain.
(Special Collections, Golda Meir Library)
A single page from the Classic Text Home Page at the University of Wisconsin.
Hebrew medical manuscript
Italy, fifteenth century A.D. The miniature illustrates the topic of bloodletting.
--- from the Cambridge University Library.
Moses receives the Ten Commandments A beautiful minature in the
Gothic style from the Reuben Machsor mechol haschana
(Jewish Holy Day Prayer Book for the Whole Year) Germany, ca. 1290
part of the
Treasures of Saxon State Library
Rylands Hebrew MS 6. A richly decorated Haggadah, or
service book used at the Seder on Passover eve,
produced in Spain, possibly Catalonia in the mid-14th century.
Manuscripts, Paleography, Codicology
Not specifically for Hebraica, but a page with 50 links to
scholarly manuscript studies all over the web.
Armarium Labyrinthi: Labyrinth Latin Bookcase
A Latin and Greek bookcase. Links to the Latin Vulgate, Gregorian chants, Aristotle, Galen, Plotinus,
Apuleius, Boethius, Dante.
The Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
at the Jewish National and University Library
"... our first duty is to save Hebrew literature. There are thousands of Hebrew manuscripts lying idle in various libraries ...
Many of them have vanished in the darkness of the past or have been destroyed by the wrath of oppressors ... It is the duty
of the State of Israel to acquire and gather those exiles of the spirit of Israel dispersed in the Diaspora. I do not think that it
will be possible to acquire ... the original manuscripts, but their reproductions ... will have the same practical value as the
manuscripts themselves ..." (David Ben Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, March 5, 1950).
Recommended. Click here for a great
graphic of rolled up manuscripts 132K.
The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Fragments at the University of Cambridge
"The Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection is a priceless accumulation of centuries-old
Hebrew manuscript material and Judaica, recovered from the Cairo Genizah
in 1896-97. It has occupied a place of honour among the literary treasures of the
University of Cambridge for almost a century and is housed at Cambridge
University Library. The Collection was the gift in 1898 of the noted scholar
Dr Solomon Schechter
and his friend and patron, Dr Charles Taylor. Schechter had conceived the idea of
bringing to the University the precious manuscript material he suspected
could be found in the Genizah (depository for worn-out copies of sacred Jewish
writings) of the thousand-year-old Ben Ezra Synagogue of Fostat (Old Cairo).
The Genizah fragments are very exciting, especially to visitors familiar with their history.
This site includes graphic images showing two letters signed by Maimonides, a Zakodite fragment,
notes by Josef Karo and Yehudah Halevi. It was a discovery comparable to that of
finding the Dead Sea scrolls. N.B.
A Basic Bibliography of the Genizah Collection
The Princeton Genizah Project . Look especially at the
The Princeton Genizah Project Index Page for links to other
Genizah archives around the world.
Princeton University Library - Jewish Studies Resources
is an important page with many scholarly links, by the way.
The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship --
an Exhibit at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC
"Over the years questions have been raised about the scrolls'
authenticity, about the people who hid them away, about the period
in which they lived, about the secrets the scrolls reveal, and about
the intentions of the scrolls' custodians in restricting access." Italics mine.
A great series of pages with texts, images, descriptions, artifacts, everything.
See also the home page for the
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The have a nifty
Tour of the Qumran cave.
Also recommended is the
Scroll Fragments from the Qumran Library which
I found on the
Expo - WWW exhibitions Organizations
Be sure to look at Mitchell A. Hoselton's
Resources for Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
if you are interested in the scrolls.
The Orion Centre for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature
Visit here. 80 or so full papers relating to Qumram, the Damascus Document, Mishnah, Karaite literature, etc...
The Hebraic Section of the Library of Congress
No pictures but a full description of the library. Look also at the
Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress
with a digression on The Hebraic Section. Among its
holdings is
this charming pastel watercolor wall plaque depicting the
holy cities of the Holy Land
-- Jerusalem, Hebron, Tiberias, and Safed.
The plaque was painted in Palestine in the second half of the
nineteeth century.
A Page from the Babylonian Talmud
"The standard printed Talmud page, spans many
centuries of Jewish religious scholarship, from the Bible to the
beginning of the twentieth century." A very well done and serious
site describing the history and layout of a page of Talmud. Excellent
notes on all the commentators and other codes of law.
Good use of graphics. Highly recommended!
Tanya, Slavita, 1796 -- by the Alter Rebbe
Classic Chassidic Works in the Chabad-Lubavitch Library
Classic Chassidic Works in the Chabad-Lubavitch Library
Library Of Agudas Chassidei Chabad - Ohel Yosef Yitzchak Lubavitch.
An exhibition on classic texts written by or about the chassidic masters:
The Baal Shem Tov, The Mahgid of Mezritch, The Alter Rebbe,
The Mitteler Rebbe, The Rebbe "Tzemach Tzedek", etc..
This library is precious. Make sure you look at the
on-line library exhibits and the
library history.
"The Library is one of the most distinguished Judaic libraries,
containing approximately 250,000 books, the majority of which
are aged and rare."
Peoples of the Book
Bibliotheca Schoenbergensis: An Exhibition from the
Collection of Lawrence J. Schoenberg.
An interesting page including two Islamic manuscripts, an Indian manuscript and two
Hebrew manuscripts:
Megillat Esther - Italy, 15th century and
Commentary to Beit Elohim and Sha'ar ha-Shamayim
Moses Almosnino (ca. 1515-ca. 1580) - Salonika, mid-16th century. See the home
page for excellent notes and the other manuscripts.
A Great Assemblage
An Exhibit of Judaica in honor of the opening of the
Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale. Includes
several antique ketubah, photographs and books. See especially the
Puru "The lot of Yahali" 9th Century B.C.E.
It provides a prototype (the only one ever recovered)
for the lots (purim) cast by Haman to fix a date for the
destruction of the Jews of the Persian Empire, ostensibly in
the fifth century B.C.E. ((Esther 3:7; cf. 9:26).
Hebrew Bible Bibiolography A scholarly bibliography on the Hebrew Bible
Prepared by: Aurel Ionica, Divinity Library, Vanderbilt University
Treasures from the YIVO Archives
"YIVO Institute for Jewish Research was founded in 1925 in Vilna as a home for
Yiddish scholarship. Libraries and archives formed an
integral part of it from the beginning.
By 1938, the library had 40,000 volumes,
including rare editions and unique copies.
In 1941, many YIVO treasures were lost to the Nazi
occupation. Much of this material was later uncovered in
the American Zone of Germany (1945) and turned over
to YIVO headquarters in New York where it was
reconstituted as YIVO's Vilna collection (1947).
The New York YIVO grew out of the Central Jewish
Library and (Press) Archives founded in New York in
1935 by a group of Jewish cultural leaders active in
Yiddish-speaking circles."
Henry Hollander, Bookseller
Specializing in Judaica, Antiquarian, & Scholarly Books.
A very full site with lots to look at including
a large collection of
early 20th century scanned postcard images with scenes from the Holy Land.
They also sell the
A Song of David, a Limited Edition Facsimile of the Moss Haggadah.
Moshe Nathan Rosenfeld, London, Publishers and Booksellers of Hebraica and Judaica
Publishes original works such as Jewish Printing in Germany -- Volume 1: Jewish Printing in Wilhermsdorf
by Moshe Nathan Rosenfeld, with an appendix "Archival Notes" by Ralf Rossmeissl,
with Volume 2: Jewish Printing in Karlsruhe
or reproduction facsimile editions of early books such as the
KUHBUCH, (The Book of Cows), Verona 1595 a Yiddish collection of fables and tales, containing 83 woodcuts.
or Shemot Devorim, Elijah Levita, Isny 1542. First German/Latin/Hebrew/Yiddish dictionary.
Paris un’ Vienna, Verona 1594 A Yiddish tale translated by Elijah Levita, containing many woodcuts.
His page is decorated with woodcuts from his editions.
"The Dorot Jewish Division of The New York Public Library
is one of the great collections of
Judaica in the world and the most accessible for both scholarly and personal use.
Each year nearly 10,000 people use the noncirculating material available in the
Jewish Division's reading room.
The breadth of the Jewish Division rests on a foundation of early rarities. These
treasures include forty fifteenth-century books and over 1,500 sixteenth-century
works. These first texts of Jewish scholarship disseminated by the newly invented
printing press had a lasting impact on Jewish thought and are the root of many
areas of study. Among these riches are the Arba'ah Turim, a code of law by Jacob
ben Asher printed in 1475 and the earliest dated Hebrew book extant. Also
notable are the Sefer Middot, an ethical treatise published in 1542, which is one
of the earliest printed Yiddish books, and Moses Almosnino's Regimento de la
Vida (1564), the first printed original work in Ladino or Judeo-Spanish.
A fourteenth-century illuminated manuscript Mahzor (Festival Prayer Book) in two
volumes, probably written in the Rhine valley, and a fifteenth-century manuscript
Mahzor in two volumes from Italy are both rare and very fine. Several ornately
illustrated manuscript marriage contracts including some from the
seventeenth-century are among the most beautiful of the Division's holdings." No pictures.
The Judaica Archival Project (JAP)
"is a non-profit, preservation and access program of Machon Mekorot Institute,
located at The Jewish National and University Library (JNUL), on the
Hebrew University Givat Ram campus in Jerusalem. Since 1990 JAP has preserved
over half a million pages from thousands of rare, out-of-print and classic Hebrew
works in Rabbinics at JNUL. Now these titles are available to you over the Internet
in conventional and electronic facsimile editions! These include Responsa, Commentaries,
rare First Editions, Kabbala, Encyclopedias, Homiletics, Incunabula, Periodicals,
Midrash, and basic texts in Rabbinics from the worlds largest Hebrew library. It's
simple and inexpensive to order authentic reproductions from rare and reference
Jewish books here on our home-page." If you like old books
their microfiche catalog
is totally awesome. Two other must see pages are their
Landmarks in Hebrew Publishing page
which provides a list of significant dates in Jewish printing from
1475 when the first dated Hebrew work is printed in Reggio di Calabria through
1697 when Jacob Proops begins printing in Amsterdam and their
Preservation of 19th Century Printing by the Judaica Archival Project
page which describes how paper acidification is destroying Jewish collections today.
Their pages are good examples of bad web design - their backgrounds make their text unreadable.
Judaica Libraries on the Web
Another collection of Jewish library links. Less descriptive
than mine perhaps, but more links.
Association of Jewish Libraries
Links to libraries and museums.
Mendel Gottesman Library of Hebraica/Judaica
The Mendel Gottesman Library of Hebraica/Judaica at Yeshiva University houses
one of the world's great Judaic research collections.
The Library is particularly strong in the fields of
Rabbinics, Bible, Jewish history, Jewish philosophy, and Hebrew language.
The collection consists of more than 200,000 printed volumes in a variety of languages,
dating from the 15th century to the present day.
Brandeis University Judaica Collections
Yiddish Sheet Music, Zionism, American Zionism, Jewish Labor
Committee Records, Polish, Latin American and Chinese Jewish Studies.
Can't come to the phone right now...
The Jewish Studies collection in the McLennan-Redpath Library
McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The scope of this collection is broad, encompassing most aspects of Jewish
civilization biblical and rabbinic studies, Hasidism, mysticism and other Jewish
movements, Jewish history and philosophy, Hebrew and Yiddish and other Jewish
languages and literatures. The Rare Books Department houses other early printed
works of relevance to Jewish Studies. No pictures.
Bibliotheca magna rabbinica, Roma 1675
A bibliography on early Hebrew printing from Italy
Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity
A wonderful exhibit of magical receipe books, amulets and carved gems, and Babylonian demon bowls from
the 1st to the 7th centuries AD. Special Collections Library at the University of Michigan.
Renaissance Hebraica
Chaim Reich, the man behind Renaissance Hebraica, shares his passion
of antique seforim with the world. In order to make a good copy of a four
to five hundred year old sefer, Chaim Reich sometimes has to track down
six or seven tattered copies, slowly piecing parts of pages together.
From these bits and pieces he is able to present one complete copy.
This "complete" copy is then duplicated and sold to the general public.
If you like this page, why not look at my Glenn Gould page. Again, drop me a note if you find that any of the pages listed have gone away or if you can suggest others that I should add.
Regards, Write sometime.
Michael Davidson (mcdavids@pipsc.ca)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada