Jump to: [Exercises and Resources
for Students] [Resources for Teachers] [French
in Canada outside Quebec] [Quebec] [France]
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[French Television and Radio pages]
[French Newspapers pages]
Merci d'avoir visité ma page. J'espère que vous y avez
trouvé des renseignements intéressants.
Gathered here are some WWW resources that I have discovered
that I feel would be of interest to students and teachers of French as
a second language. If you know of other ones you think should be added,
and I am certain there are lots more out there, or if you wish to make
suggestions for improving this page, please send me mail.
Make sure you visit
the home page of my new textbook À
Bon Port. This text for learning French as a second Language can
best be described by these key-words: communication, Canadian, authentic,
learner-centered. It was written by a team of professors at the Second
Language Institute of the University of Ottawa and was published by Prentice
Hall in 1997.
Alysse Weinberg
Official Languages and Bilingualim Institute
University of Ottawa
Last updated January 31, 2011
Visits since June 9, 1996:
Visites depuis le 9 juin 1996.
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Exercises and
Resources for Students
- TennesseeBob's
Famous French Links!
A Must! You have to visit him.
- Le point du FLE
A port whose objective is to facilitate access to the best IT and web-based
activities in French as a Foreign Language (FFL). There are sites for
interactive grammar, auto-corrected exercises, simulations, etc. which all
can be used for work in the classroom or for self-studies.
Ressources Internet et dictionnaires
Services offerts par l'Université de Sherbrooke.
Project: French-English Dictionary Form
Look up words in a simple French English Dictionary containing
about 75,000 terms. This dictionary will translate an English phrase like
will love into aimera, aimerai etc.
Language Resources on Language
French dictionary
This dictionary contains a number of specialist terms, modern terms connected with
techonology, as well as slang words not easily found in many dictionaries
Conjugate a verb by selecting the tense and entering
the infinitive form of the verb in the box.
Les liens utiles
An impressive List of sites to learn French. To discover!
Linguascope: Language Resources Directory
Coming from England lists of French sites.
Le français grâce à la BBC
Coming from the BBC. Listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and interactive. It is great.
Coming from England, a set of interactive activities for French
teachers and learners, featuring more than 400 exercises organised for each year of study and includes reading, writing and
listening exercises.
TFSL Activities with M. Renaud
French activities and resources for young learners and teachers including tips for parents, links, online activities, printouts, games and songs.
un escargot.
" The Adopt an Escargot Website is for French students
and their teachers. When the students are registered in La Société
des Escargots they may send their stories (en français), comments
(en français), pictures with captions (en français), etc.(en
français) to be included on the website (at the discretion of Le
Grand Escargot, bien sûr.) Members may also "Parlez au Grand Escargot,"
that is, e-mail Le Grand Escargot and carry on a "discussion" en français!"
Inspecteur Roger Duflair
Learn French with "Inspecteur Duflair".
Bonjour de France
Learn French with Azurlingua. Directly from Nice in France.
Teaching method to learn French. An impressive number of lessons.
Language Learning
Learn English, French, German, Italian, Spanish...
- Cours
d'introduction à la phonétique de l'Université de
Languages and French for
A great site for travellers! Everything you always wanted
to know about languages and travelling.
for Learning French
"This is a summary of resources I've found useful in
learning French in order to survive in Neuchâtel." Discussion of
books and video courses in english.
Eloquence - French Lessons
on the Web
"The French Connection is a comprehensive online French
course aimed at all levels, from beginners to advanced. The course is divided
into a number of lessons and is supplemented by a dictionary of over 4,000
words and phrases. Over 6,000 expressions have been recorded by native
speakers, and 500 colour photographs and illustrations add an extra dimension.Try
their demo. "
Rendez-vous! The Language Exchange!
"Rendez-vous! is a free penfriend and penpal service
offered by Eloquence."
Dictionnaire de l'argot
French slang.
- "LA page
d'humour en français du Web!"
de 3,8 Moctets (bytes) de blagues (jokes) en français...
Les bonnes
blagues de Carambar
"Devinette Carambar: Pourquoi est-il conseillé de ranger
le journal au réfrigerateur ? Réponse : pour que les nouvelles restent
sur Les Simpsons en terre Québecoise
Un site de haute qualité graphique et sonore mais
cette qualité fait qu'il est un peu lourd à visionner... chaque page
du site vaut la peine d'être vu que ce soit pour les images, les
gifs animés les sons ou tous les gadgets que vous y retrouverez.
- Astérix
Et voici le site officiel!
The French
Directory - the complete guide to learning French in France
"Has a directory of approx. 200 language courses + exam
information + regional introductions. On the main home page links to other
sites provided, plus list of language events taking place around the world.
Language Learning
Online directory of language schools, listing more than 6000 institutions teaching more than 70 languages.
Monde diplomatique
Les archives publiques de cette prestigieuse publication.
Return to top.
for Teachers
Project Home Page
Project for American and French Research on the Treasury
of the French Language A very interesting and important resource.
Information on Multimedia. Excellent!
Hot Potatoes. Half-baked software
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.
ALLE- Alberta Language Learning Environment
From the University of Calgary and my colleage Brian Gill. Links for French, other languages and professional developments.
Collection de sites français
Site proposed by the Canadian Parents for French.
Multimedia Authoring Software
Download an evaluation copy of the Ficelle multimedia
language lesson authoring software. By only using a text editor,
create language lessons with fill-in-the-blank questions, multiple choice
questions, pictures, sound files, videos. Ficelle may be configured
to test your students, score their responses, and output both printed and
item-level file statistics. From the same person that brings you
this French language resources page.
Étienne French
Educational Music.
"Étienne is Steven Langlois B.A. (French) B.Ed.,
a French teacher with the Perth County Board of Education. Check out the
songs that allow students to grasp and never forget important structures
such as Être, Avoir, Aller, -ER and -IR verbs, adjectives, question
words, rooms of the house.... music that has students rockin' and hip hoppin'
in French classrooms across Canada!"
INFOPUQ, le service télématique de réseau
de l'université de Québec.
Vif@x francophone
De Bordeaux, le centre régional interuniversitaire pour la formation en langues.
The Resources
in Language Testing Page
"The Resources in Language Testing Page purpose is to
act as a reference guide to language testing related resources on the Internet.
On this page you will find all the links which have been collected to date,
and each one is reviewed in the Language Tester's Guide to Cyberspace.
Instead of randomly visiting sites, you can select those which are most
likely to provide the information you are looking for. Underneath the links,
there is the Language Testing Database button, which leads to a searchable
index of articles published in the journal Language Testing.
Famous French Links!
5000 Links. A very impressive list of sites about all
aspects of French language and culture.
Jim Becker's page from the University of Northern Iowa.
A page dedicated to many foreign languages.
Le cartable connecté
Lots and lots of information. A must.
dans notre banque de graticiels pédagogiques.
"Nous avons, comme beaucoup d'autres, le projet de rassembler
et de mettre à la disposition des enseignants un maximum de ressources
pédagogiques. "
Web page of the French
Embassy in Ottawa.
A very interesting page with much of general interest
to students and teachers of French.
American Association of Teachers
of French (AATF) WWW Site
"The AATF furnishes information about the culture and
language of the French-speaking world for French teachers, students, and
other francophiles.
The human languages
The Human-Languages Page is a comprehensive catalog of
language-related Internet resources. The over 1600 links in the HLP database
have been hand-reviewed to bring you the best language links the Web has
to offer. Whether you're looking for online language lessons, translating
dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language
schools, or just a little information on a language you've heard about,
the HLP probably has something to suit your needs.
Site pour enfants
pour mômes (Sites W3 éducatifs (for children 5 to 15)
Canada's Schoolnet
- Rescol Canadien
"Le Rescol est un projet éducatif supporté
par une variété d'organisations à travers le Canada,
autant des organismes gouvernementaux au niveau provincial, fédéral
et territorial, que des partenaires secteur privé ainsi que des
intervenants du milieu de l'éducation. A l'aide de cette étroite
collaboration entre tous les secteurs de la société, et guidé
par la Canadian Education Network Coalition ainsi que son propre Conseil
consultatif, Rescol se veut une plate-forme électronique pour l'excellence
dans l'enseignement."
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French in
Canada outside Quebec
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Quebec Links
L' actualité
sur internet
Les dernières nouveautés au Québec.
toile du Québec
D'autres renseignement sur le Québec.
du Québec
Liste importante de pages sur l'histoire du Québec.
À vous de choisir!
La toile du Québec
"Plus de 400 sites québécois. Le meilleur
répertoire de ce côté-ci de l'Atlantique."
Musée virtuel
de la Nouvelle-France
"Ce musée a comme objectif de faire revivre l'histoire
de cette colonie française d'Amérique. On y trouve des expositions
et activités pour divers publics: jeunes écoliers, adultes,
touristes, etc. Revu et augmenté régulièrement. Comme
le tout est bilingue, quel site merveilleux pour vérifier sa compréhension
des deux langues officielles tout en s'intéressant à l'histoire."
Page de Généalogie du Québec
"Cette page est le point d'entrée pour les informations
spécifiques au Québec en matière de généalogie.
Résumé de la géographie du Québec, Résumé
de l'histoire du Québec, Quelques sources sur l'immigration ancienne,
Quelques sources sur la période 1608-1765"
Le tourisme
au Québec
Information touristique sur le Québec
La ville de Québec
"Sites d'informations de la région de Québec . Web Québec
Le Magazine Électronique de la Vieille Capitale ! . Serveur WWW du Gouvernement
du Quebec . Le Québec dans le monde. Réseau Internet Quebec Inc."
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