
Fall 2006

Prof. Paris



Office Hours and Discussion Sections




OFFICE HOURS and e-mail addresses for Prof. Paris and the TAs


Prof Paris -- Tues 10:30-11:30 am and Wed 9:30-11:00 am -- Vanier 402 -- rparis@uottawa.ca

Isabelle Leblanc – Thursday 1-2 pm -- TBT 0011B -- ilebl045@uottawa.ca

Marcel Vautour -- Thursday 4-5 pm -- TBT 0011F -- marcel.vautour@gmail.com

Sara Jenkins – Wed 1-2 pm -- TBT 0011F -- sara.jenkins@unb.ca




DISCUSSION SECTIONS – WHO, WHERE and WHEN (also see the meeting schedule below)


Section1 (Student last names starting: A-C) -- Isabelle -- Wednesday 9-10 am -- POR (150 University), room 106


Section 2 (Student last names starting: D-Hel) -- Isabelle -- Wednesday 10-11 am – POR (150 University), room 107


Section 3 (Student last names starting: Hep-Man) -- Sara -- Thursday 12:00-1:00 p.m. -- HGN room 305


Section 4 (Student last names starting: Mar-O) -- Sara -- Thursday 4-5 pm -- HGN room 305


Section 5 (Student last names starting: P-Sk) -- Marcel -- Wednesday 3:30-4:30 -- POR (150 University), room 107


Section 6 (Student last names starting: Sla-Z) -- Marcel -- Wednesday 4:30-5:30 -- HGN room 305






·         Attendance is option but recommended


·         Come prepared with questions about the readings or lectures.  Do the reading in before you attend the discussion.


·         Meeting every two weeks – in the weeks of:


September 18-22

October 2-6

October 16-20

October 30-November 3

November 13-17

November 27-December 1



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