" = same as previous

RV / COMOB =     RV   


Spec. = number of specimens catalogued

‘var’ indicates a type not described in RIC

* indicates a type misdescribed in RIC

‘fn’ indicates a type mentioned by RIC in a footnote

SERIES 1: draped and cuirassed bust (D4) / emperors holding tall cross

Obv  Rev     Spec.          RIC           Obv                                                    Rev                                        Mint mark (COMOB)

1       1            1               2866           DNPROCANTH-EMIVSPFAVC    SALVSREI-PV-BLICAE     R | V

2       1            4               2866           "                                                          "                                             "

2       2            1               2866var      "                                                          "                                             R | V

SERIES 2:  cuirassed bust (KFa3)1 / emperors holding tall cross

Obv  Rev     Spec.          RIC           Obv                                                    Rev                                        Mint mark (COMOB)

3       3            1               2867           DNPROCATHEMIVSPFAVC      "                                             R | V

4       4            3               2870*         DNPROCAT-HEMIVSPFAVC    "                                             R | V

5       4            1               2868var      DNPROCAN-THEMIVSPFAVG    "                                             "

5       5            3               2868           "                                                          "                                             R | V

5       6            1               2868           "                                                          "                                             "

6       7            1               2869           DNPROCA-THEMIVSPFAVG    "                                             "

6       8            1               2869           "                                                          "                                             "

6       9            1               2869           "                                                          "                                             "

6       10          2               2869fn       "                                                          SALVSRI-PV-BLICAE        "

7       11          1               2871*         DNATHE-MIVSPFAVG               SALVSREI-PV-BLICAE     R | V /  COMOD

SERIES 3:  cuirassed bust (KFa3) / PAX

Obv  Rev   Spec.            RIC           Obv                                               Rev                                         Mint mark (COMOB)

8       12        3                 2872var      DNANTHEMI-V-SPFAVG       "                                              R | • | V

8       13        2                 2872*         "                                                     "                                              R |   | V

SERIES 4:  cuirassed bust (KFa3) / globus cruciger

Obv  Rev   Spec.            RIC           Obv                                               Rev                                         Mint mark

9       14        2                 2873*         DNATH-EMIVSPFAC             SALVSRE-IVB-VBLICE      / CORVO

9       15        2                 2874*         "                                                     SALVSRI-EIP-VBLICAE     / COMOB

SERIES 5A: draped and cuirassed bust (D+MF3)2 / globus cruciger

Obv  Rev   Spec.            RIC           Obv                                               Rev                                         Mint mark

10     16        1                 2880var      DNANTHE-MIVSPFAVC          SALVSR-EIP-VBLICAE      / COMOB

SERIES 5B:  Ravenna draped bust (MF3)3 / globus cruciger

Obv  Rev   Spec.            RIC           Obv                                               Rev                                         Mint mark

11     17        1                 2878var      DNATNE-MIVSPFAVC          SALVSR-EIP-VBLICA         / COMOD

11     18        1                 2880var2    "                                                     SALVSR-EIP-VBLICAE      / COMOB

12     18        1                 2876           DNANTH-MIVSPFAVC            "                                              "

12     19        1                 2875           "                                                     SALVSRE-IPV-BLICAE      / COMOB

12     20        1                 2876*         "                                                     SALVS-EIP-VBLICAE       4 / COMOD

SERIES 5C: standard draped bust (MF3)5 / globus cruciger

Obv  Rev   Spec.            RIC           Obv                                               Rev                                         Mint mark

13     20        1                 2880var3    DNANTHE-MIVSPFAG            "                                              "

14     20        2                 2880*         DNANTHE-MIVSPFAVC          "                                              "

15     20        1                 2880*         "                                                     "                                              "

15     21        1                 2878*         "                                                     SALVSR-EIP-VBLICA         / COMOB

15     22        2                 2877           "                                                     SALVSR-EIP-VDLICAE     RV / COMOB

15     23        1                 2877           "                                                     SALVSR-EIP-VBLICAE     RV / COMOB

16     24        1                 2879           "                                                     SALVSR-EIP-VBLICAE      / COMOB

17     25        1                 2880           DNANTHE-MIVSPFAVG         "                                               / COMOB

17     26        2                 2881*         "                                                     SALVSR-EIPV-BLICAE      / COMOD

17     27        1                 2881*         "                                                     "                                              / COMOB

18     28        1                 2882*         DNANTHEM-IVSPFAVC          SALVS-FIPV-BLICAE        RV / COMOB

TOTAL: 50 specimens


General note:  Kent’s cataloguing of these coins is so poor that it is really quite difficult to know how to assign his catalogue numbers and any variant numbers to the actual specimens.  I have decided to mark as ‘var’ any type that differs from the catalogued type according to criteria used by Kent elsewhere (such as spelling variants, backwards letters, or the appearance of pellets in the reverse field).  In some cases this means that there would be a ‘var’ type but no plain type, since the ‘var’ coins are actually the coins that Kent was referring to.  In such cases I mark the number with an asterisk (*) instead of ‘var’ to show that the variant arises from cataloguing error not the discovery of a new type.

1  On obvv 3, 5, 8, 10, 13-18 the diadem jewel has no trefoil.

2  This is the normal draped and cuirassed Western bust (‘D’), with a brooch and pteryges on each shoulder, combined with the Eastern-style facing helmeted bust and spear over the shoulder type (‘MF’).  There is no shield.

3  This is a simple drapery with a vertical band up the right shoulder, parallel folds across the chest, and brooch and pteryges on the left shoulder only.  There is no shield.

4  A pellet has been engraved over the star.

5  This is the normal draped type with the brooch fastening the cloak on the right shoulder and the shield over the left (MF), though it has been misunderstood as additional drapery.

General Introduction      Introduction       Rome      Milan


D = Georges Depeyrot, Les Monnaies d’or de Constantin II à Zenon (337-491) (Wetteren, 1996), pp. 195-6 and plate 17.

DO = Philip Grierson and Melinda Mays, Catalogue of Late Roman Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection.  From Arcadius and Honorius to the Accession of Anastasius (Washington, DC, 1992).

F = Joan M. Fagerlie, Late Roman and Byzantine Solidi Found in Sweden and Denmark (NNM 157; New York, 1967).

L = Guy Lacam, La fin de l’Empire romain et le monnayage or en Italie, 455-493, vol. I (Lucerne, 1993), pp. 421-39 (plates CIV-CX) and vol. 2, plates 23-4. Note that no. 4 belongs to the mint of Rome.

UB = Oscar Ulrich-Bansa, Moneta Mediolanensis (352-498) (Venice, 1949).

1-1           F 168

2-1           F 169 = L 2 = RIC 2866 plate, L 3

2-2           D 27/1 = UB Mn = DO 901 = L 1

3-3           RIC 2867 plate

4-4           L 9 = RIC 2870 plate, DO 902 = L 10


5-5           L 8, RIC 2868 plate

5-6           L 7 = D 28/1


6-8           L 5


6-10         F 167 = L 6

7-11         RIC 2871 plate

8-12         L 12, L 14 = L 15 = L 16, RIC 2872 plate

8-13         DO 903 = L 11, L 13 = D 31/1

9-14         UB Mq = L 27 = RIC 2873 plate (BM), L 28

9-15         L 26, RIC 2874 plate




12-18       L 23

12-19       L 25 = RIC 2875 plate

12-20       L 24 = RIC 2876 plate (BM)

13-20       L 20

14-20       F 166 = L 18, D 30/1


15-21       L 17

15-22       RIC 2877 plate


16-24       L 21 = RIC 2879 plate

17-25       L 19

17-26       DO 920 = L 22, D 29/1

17-27       RIC 2881 plate

18-28       RIC 2882 plate

Georges Depeyrot, Les Monnaies d’or de Constantin II à Zenon (337-491) (Wetteren, 1996), pp. 195-6 and plate 17.  Depeyrot ignores reversed letters.

26/1                   Ancient forgery (see RIC X, p. 193)

27/1                   Series 1

28/1                   Obvv. 5 and 6 series

28/2                   Does not exist; 7-11 misdescribed

28/3                   4-4

28/4                   Requires confirmation

28/Imitation       Probably does not exist: 3-3 misdescribed

29/1                   17-25, 17-26

29/2                   15-22

29/imitation       18-27

30/1                   14-20, 17-24 (and misdescribed obvv 11, 13, and 15 series)

30/imitation       12-18, 12-20

31/1                   Series 3

General Introduction      Introduction       Rome      Milan